Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand was invited by the University of Cincinnati Medical Center to their Grand Rounds on July 13th, 2017.
Dr. Shivanand received a rave reception in a room that was packed to capacity. Dr Richard Lofgren, CEO and President of the health system honored Dr. Shivanand with a plaque for his contribution to theĀ field of Cosmic Medicine and Cosmic Agriculture. In this event, the Yogi doctor enlightened medical students, residents, fellows and faculty physicians with his innovative and integrative Shiv Yog Cosmic Medicine healing modalities whose purpose is to provide a complete and lasting cure.
Dr. Shivanand expressed concern that the world is seeing many diseases such as diabetes becoming epidemics. He said there is a danger that cancer will become the next big epidemic. He said the time has come to find a complete cure to such incurable diseases. The time has come to go beyond symptomatic cure.
He explained that 100% of all chronic diseases have psychosomatic roots and that a patient works really hard to create a disease. He explained in depth how a patient’s thoughts and emotions find resonance in that person’s organs, tissues, cells and atoms. He explained how certain thought patterns evolve and develop into a physical disease over time.
Integrative Cosmic Medicine is a solution that proposes to integrate the Shiv Yog healing modalities with traditional medicine to offer a complete and lasting cure to diseases that are considered incurable. The patient, the medicine and the doctor – all three play an equally important role in achieving the final cure, he said.