SYCIP Research

Many prominent and distinguished physicians and specialists from some of the top medical institutions around the world are now engaged in conducting clinical research on the applications of Shiv Yog modalities under the title of Cure Is Possible. Many observational studies were also conducted at various meditation events in 2011.

Shiv Yog cure is possible mobile research infographic

SYCIP Research

Many prominent and distinguished physicians and specialists from some of the top medical institutions around the world are now engaged in conducting clinical research on the applications of Shiv Yog modalities under the title of CURE IS POSSIBLE. Many observational studies were also conducted at various meditation events in 2011.

Research projects currently approved by
Dr. Shivanand

  • A pilot study of the effect of Integrative Cosmic Therapy in patients with neurogenic & idiopathic lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
  • Impact of Integrative Cosmic Therapy in children with treatment-resistant asthma
  • Shiv Yog forum study: effects of regular Shiv Yog practices on the quality of life, happiness index, and perceived stress
  • The role of Integrative Cosmic Therapy in speech and socialization initiation in children with nonverbal autism – A Randomized Control Trial

Past research

For a period of over three years, SRL Laboratory, Gurgaon, India, conducted thousands of subjects to study the effect of Shiv Yog practices on human physiology. The key findings are as follows:

• In 2011, a study for diabetes was conducted over a period of 180 days on 920 volunteers and it was observed that if a patient continues and perseveres with the Shiv Yog meditational practices there were improvements in the condition as evidenced by labwork.

• Of the 920 volunteers who were studied, 595 showed significant improvements, 245 showed moderate improvements, and 80 did not show any measurable improvements.

• The significantly improved parameters included blood pressure, lipid profiles, diabetes markers, stress markers, cardiac care markers, renal function markers, liver function markers and other endocrine health markers.

A pilot study on the metabolic effects of short-term ShivYog Shambhavi meditation practice.

Indian Journal of Research, volume-7 | Issue 1 | January 2018 | ISSN 2250-1991 | IF: 5.761 | IC Value: 86.18


The purpose of this research was to study the short-term effects of ShivYog Shambhavi intervention program on various metabolic and biochemical parameters. Two seven-day ShivYog Shambhavi seminars were conducted in which participants were randomly recruited for this study. The ShivYog Shambhavi program includes guided deep meditations and specific breathing exercises, conducted by Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand. All participants underwent assessment of their metabolic and biochemical parameters before and after Shambhavi seminar. A total of 52 participants underwent the study, including 31 males and 19 females, with a mean age of 54.8 (45.2 – 64.3) years. Following ShivYog Shambhavi intervention over a follow-up of one week in one seminar & one month in the other, significant improvements were seen in unhealthy weight, blood glucose, and serum uric acid levels. There was a trend towards improvement in Hb, serum total cholesterol and LDL levels. This study demonstrates beneficial physiological and metabolic effects of short-term ShivYog Shambhavi meditative practice.

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